
Personalized Care

Areas of Practice

Psychodynamic psychotherapy

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is an in-depth form of talk therapy that is based on the principles of psychoanalysis.  It is an effective treatment for depression and anxiety, but also for those who have lost meaning in their lives or struggle with relationships.  The goal is to relieve symptoms, but also to increase self-esteem and improve one's use of his/her own talents and abilities with resulting improvement in relationships, overall functioning, and capacity for new experiences.  Often, patients continue to grow in positive ways after therapy has ended.  

Psychodynamic therapy involves meeting weekly, or twice-weekly, for therapy sessions.  


Whether psychiatric medication could be useful, and if so whether it makes sense to take it, is something that has to be determined for each individual patient.  For some people, medication is an effective and straightforward treatment with little or no side effects, and they feel it is a good choice for them.  For others, the choice about whether to try medications can be more complex.  Together, we can discuss all the options and figure out what makes the most sense for you.  Usually, medications are most effective when combined with psychotherapy.